Episode 2: My Story of How and Why I Came to Carnivore

Episode 2: My Story of How and Why I Came to Carnivore

Welcome to episode 2 of The Road to Carnivore podcast!

In this 20-minute episode I share my story of how I came to carnivore and why I eat this way.

I think when most people consider the idea of going carnivore, it can seem completely unimaginable to picture that for your own life.

When you hear about someone choosing to eat only animal foods, the obvious thought is: “Why would someone do that?”

This episode answers that question so you can understand why and how someone would end up eating like this.

Click here to listen on iTunes.

Show Links and Resources:

Paul Saladino MD

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and the Metabolic Syndrome


Mark Sisson

Gary Taubes

Peter Attia MD

Joanne Ozug is the creator of The Road to Carnivore podcast series and a proponent for a carnivore way of eating. She specializes in helping others transition toward eating more meat and animal foods to create better health.


  1. Danielle says:

    Thank you for sharing your story, it has totally piqued my interest and I would love to hear more about your experience and research on carnivore for women’s health, cycles and hormones, if you ever make an episode on this topic!

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